The Amazing Experience
ABBA Father Fellowship International under the leadership of Pastor Angela Vivian, the vison bearer of the Ministry, with humility hosted the woman of God from Zimbabwe, prophetess Natalie and two others.
With love and gratitude, Prophetess Natalie, took up the assignment, and for two weeks, it was an amazing experience, full of fire and powerful spiritual manifestations.
The two powerful women of God have proven the love and unity that must exist in the body of Christ. It is written that a house divided against itself, can not stand. In brief, the body of Christ is one, and united we defeat the common enemy, satan.
For two weeks, the congregation, experienced divine encounters at another spiritual level, captives set free and powerful prophetic moments.
The visit, under the theme “Mending your broken self” was vivid sign that the kingdom of darkness was shaken, shattered and scattered, to the glory and honour of Jesus Christ.
The minister’s had their feet washed, like Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. The women, youth, and men’s conferences were marvelous. God ordained and put the words in her to speak powerfully to different categories of groups she met to empower, encourage, teach, and share life experiences that strenthens a Christian’s faith in Christ Jesus.
Prophetess Natalie, Abba Father Fellowship experienced the God you serve resonated with the God of Mama Vivian that gave us an experience to marvel of from how you showed up full with a desire for service with voice of authority yet humble in nature like a little lamb. We pray that the same God may increase and strengthen you for more missions for His Kingdom.
United for Christ. Let the banner of oneness,love and humility forever be felt in the body of Christ.
Abba Father Fellowship International is blessed to have a visionary leader, Mama Vivian, who looks beyond what the world says but follows as the master commands.