Abba Father Fellowship has twelve departments which are as listed below;

Pastoral Department
Pastoral Ministry is a group of men & women rooted in Christ that work together through the guidance of Mama Vivian, they lead the flock in service. The pastors provide spiritual guidance and leadership to the members of the Ministry through preparing sermons throughout the week, preaching, teaching, and counselling. The Bible says in Acts 6:4: “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” The team of pastors provide care and counselling to church members and assists, guide them in tough times of needs and on day-to-day life experiences. They oversee the management of all areas of the ministry through heading the different department. The Bible says in Acts 20:28: “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God.” The pastors hold regular meetings with the ministers of the fellowship, where various ideas are tabled and discussed. They organise church events like baptism, thanksgiving services, weddings, cultural festivals.
Lion of Judah

The choir (Lion of Judah) leads the congregation in the praise and worship sessions during the service. The Bible says in John 4:23: “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.”


The Ushering department is a team of dedicated front-line minister in keeping the church organise and run in orderly manner.

An usher is a spiritual ambassador for the church; an usher serves as the first representative of Jesus Christ for a worship service.

Ushers have several roles and duties in the house of the Lord;

Welcome members of the congregation into the church and make them feel comfortable by giving them seats.
Clean and organise the house of the Lord, the ushers are always in charge of the offertory proceedings; give out Tithe, thanksgiving envelopes to the members of the congregation.
The ushers support the pastor during spiritual warfare by taking care brethren in the congregation and those being prayed for.


We are in the era of technology and the church cannot be left behind; over the year the communication department has grown from a small team to doing much more. The role of the Communications department is to manage the image of the fellowship, through running decent platforms for communication, organising the flow of information and continue to expand into high level technology with right equipment by the Grace of God.


Abba Father Fellowship has a big number of youths who are actively involved in various ministries like ushering, choir, and pastoral roles. The Youth and Children are the future generation. We NURTURE them to fully become godly leaders of tomorrow. Bring children into my house and they will not depart from the right way.

Little Lambs

The Abba Father Fellowship Sunday school is called the Little Lambs Teaching the gospel to the little servants of God that they may build their house on the rock. Children present the future of the ministry.

Little Lambs have children of various ages who are divided into three age groups every Sunday. The bible says in Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”


The elders of the fellowship are headed by Mama Grace Meya and assisted by Papa Deo Obbo. The elders are involved in counselling and advising of minister’s members of the congregation who need help. Mama Grace Meya was one of the founder members of Abba Father Fellowship together with Sister Namono Jennipher and Mama Eunice, who is also an elder in the church.

The Contenders (Intercessors)

The Contenders (Intercessors) communicate with God on behalf of the whole fellowship.

The Bible says in Isaiah 53:12: “Therefore, I will divide him a portion with the many, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he poured out his soul to death and he was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many and makes intercession for the transgressors.” Praying for one another is a powerful way for us to bear one another’s burden and that is what intercessors do.


Partnership is a formal relationship between a church/fellowship and a Christian.

Most members of the fellowship are partners in the house of the Lord; It is a growing department and have made some good achievement in supporting project such as construction, small equipment purchase. To be a partner, one will choose a specific amount to contribute monthly, Partners have received teaching from Mama Vivian on the importance of partnering with God.


Charity lies at the heart of Abba Father Fellowship. It falls under the third area of prophetic calling – Giving and Service for Abba Father Fellowship and our spiritual leader, prophetess Vivian Angela Alungat, under which we all serve. The first and second being Politics & Countries and Marriage respectively. Charity is one of the strategies for enforcing God’s Kingdom, winning souls from this wicked and corrupt world, and returning them to Christ (our vision). Charity is also one of the ways of spreading love (one of our core values) within God’s system (people). All these are directed by the Holy Spirit under the overall leadership of our spiritual leader and implemented through the Charity Department.


Imparting Christ among the women of this generation and thousands to come. Women gave Saving groups to support each other besides guiding supporting each in different life skills. All Christian women are called to ministry and God equally grants Christian women the ability to preach the word. Mama Vivian, our spiritual leader, is a great example.

Abba Father Fellowship has annual Women and Men’s conferences, where women and men separately get-together around June to speak about issue that affect them and learn from each other how to become a better Christian.


Abba Father Fellowship under the Men’s Ministry, we have a sole purpose of bringing up God fearing, upright Men for the Ministry and their families.

There are weekly fellowship and groups for men and women separately to fellowship and pray together, discuss financial issues as well as support to each other.


The Abba Father Fellowship Welfare Department is headed by Pastor Patrick Busiima and Sister Susan Obita. The department ensures every member of the fellowship is well taken care of every time they are within the church premises. It also leads in organising function and event in the ministry.